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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 11/13/06
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –November 13th, 2006

Present: R. Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, S. Nelkens, M. Pon, J. Parsons

The selectmen opened the meeting at 7:00 P.M.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the November 6th meeting.

The selectmen advised S. Nelkens that they have reviewed her second letter to them regarding her concerns regarding the use of the Thermo Imager by the Police Department. They also reviewed Chief Feyrer’s response. The Board advised S. Nelkens that they are satisfied with the Chief’s answer and that the administration and operations manual regarding the use of the Thermal Imager is clearly spelled out and follows guidelines as a recommended by leading law enforcement agencies throughout the United States. They thanked her for raising her concerns but now feel the matter is closed. Selectman Pratt than stated to S. Nelkens that she was free to take this matter to state officials if she felt the boards decision was incorrect. S. Nelkens stated that she did not need to be told what her rights were, she knows better than they do and she is very unhappy with their response and feels that her concerns were not properly addressed. She also felt that the agenda for all meetings should be published and posted.

The selectmen than reviewed the budget request of J. Parsons, the Building Inspector. J. Parsons requested a 3% increase in salary and a $400.00 increase in mileage allowance. The rest of his budget he did not feel needed any adjustments. J. Parson noted that he is projecting permit request or10 to 12 new homes in 2007. He also felt that 60% of his time is taken up with code enforcement issues.

M. Wardman brought to the selectmen’s attention the need to have rules at the Swap Shop located at the recycling center. She is concerned about one individual who insist on going through unopened cartons before they have been checked in properly by the recycling center personnel (paid or volunteer). She is mainly concerned for the safety of the residents and the employees. The selectmen will discuss this with C. Craig the Recycling Center Manager and will make a decision as to what rules are necessary and need to be posted and enforced.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 11/20/06.  The agenda for November 20th will be to review Fire, Ambulance, and Park and Recreation Department budgets.
